OK, Experts weigh in. please Maggie Bryan-Peterson (21 Jun 2013 11:31 EST)
Re: OK, Experts weigh in. please Lawrence Waxler (21 Jun 2013 12:56 EST)
Re: OK, Experts weigh in. please Charles Hathaway (21 Jun 2013 14:33 EST)
Re: OK, Experts weigh in. please Scott Niles (21 Jun 2013 14:36 EST)
Re: OK, Experts weigh in. please Bianca Hunter (21 Jun 2013 15:50 EST)
Re: OK, Experts weigh in. please Scott Niles (21 Jun 2013 17:57 EST)
Re: OK, Experts weigh in. please Ann R Shiras (21 Jun 2013 14:58 EST)
Re: OK, Experts weigh in. please Richard Forsey (21 Jun 2013 14:55 EST)

Re: OK, Experts weigh in. please Charles Hathaway 21 Jun 2013 14:33 EST

Wow.  What was in those muffins?


-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Lawrence Waxler
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:56 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] OK, Experts weigh in. please


We received a notice from the US Dept of Justice several months ago - after an audit of that agency found $14.00 muffins at one of their conferences - that approval for any refreshments was summarily withdrawn and that grantees were instructed to resubmit requests which may or may not be approved. While I expected other agencies to follow suit, we have not yet seen that.

Regardless, since our State and University policy places severe restrictions on refreshments, and since the Feds allow the most restrictive policy to apply, we have already moved away from budgeting refreshments in all but the most justifiable situations.


>>> Maggie Bryan-Peterson <xxxxxx@FREDONIA.EDU>
6/21/2013 12:31 PM >>>
Given the new super-OMB Circular A-87, food and drinks are prohibited.

A. Is the circular currently in effect?

B. If not, other than alcohol, if refreshments or a banquet, etc. were part of the original approved budget, are they still allowable?

Help ... major argument going on here!!

Maggie Bryan-Peterson, CRA
Office of Sponsored Programs
E230 Thompson Hall
SUNY Fredonia
Fredonia, NY  14063
Phone: 716-673-3528
FAX:    716-673-3802

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