NIH Inflationary Increase Jackie Frederick (29 May 2012 10:01 EST)
Re: NIH Inflationary Increase Jennifer Fitchett (29 May 2012 11:14 EST)
Re: NIH Inflationary Increase Bonnie Kwit (29 May 2012 11:15 EST)
Re: NIH Inflationary Increase Rodriguez, Julia (29 May 2012 11:54 EST)
Re: NIH Inflationary Increase Stephens, Fran (29 May 2012 12:33 EST)
Re: NIH Inflationary Increase Anne Schauer (30 May 2012 14:03 EST)
Re: NIH Inflationary Increase Bullock, Glenda (Luecke) (29 May 2012 14:37 EST)
Re: NIH Inflationary Increase Aull, Robert Matthew (29 May 2012 16:08 EST)
Re: NIH Inflationary Increase Diane McKnight (08 Jun 2012 13:19 EST)

NIH Inflationary Increase Jackie Frederick 29 May 2012 10:01 EST

Based on the statement in the NIH Fiscal Policy for Grant Awards - FY
2012, Notice Number NOT-OD-12-036 that reads "Inflationary increases for
future year commitments will be discontinued for all competing and
non-competing research grant awards issued in FY 2012," can you tell me
if your institution is flat-lining the salaries for all years of the
award based on the year one salary for each individual or how you are
handling this requirement?

Thank you

Jackie Frederick
Director, PreAward
Research and Sponsored Programs
Wright State University
201J University Hall
Dayton, OH  45435-0001

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