A Center in Name only Alvarez, Michelle E (12 Mar 2012 20:09 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Charles Hathaway (12 Mar 2012 20:53 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Carolyn Elliott-Farino (12 Mar 2012 22:35 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Alvarez, Michelle E (13 Mar 2012 05:13 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Theresa Defino (13 Mar 2012 06:04 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Gray, Madison (13 Mar 2012 11:45 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Hearns, Rene (13 Mar 2012 14:01 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Aull, Robert Matthew (13 Mar 2012 15:47 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Charles Hathaway (13 Mar 2012 16:33 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Wayne Glass (14 Mar 2012 06:12 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Mike McCallister (14 Mar 2012 08:05 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Theresa Defino (14 Mar 2012 09:02 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Charles Hathaway (14 Mar 2012 09:02 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Ralph Norton (13 Mar 2012 15:15 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Ralph Norton (13 Mar 2012 11:48 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Paul Tuttle (14 Mar 2012 10:17 EST)
Re: A Center in Name only Alvarez, Michelle E (14 Mar 2012 11:59 EST)

Re: A Center in Name only Ralph Norton 13 Mar 2012 15:15 EST

@ Madison: While many components of the private sector/industry can be
very "innocent" regarding grants and grantsmanship, the ones most
likely to contribute substantially to a research effort are NOT naive
about money and investments. I believe any effort such as you describe
would back fire just as if you were submitting it to a government

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Gray, Madison
<xxxxxx@vanderbilt.edu> wrote:
> All:
> I think the hard pushback to the idea of a center in name only is based on
> the thought that the subsequent application for funding would be to
> potential government sponsors, yes?  Although I’m not sure how that would
> rise to the level of actual fraud unless one stated in a proposal to the
> potential government sponsor that the Center InNameOnly had funding in place
> when that was not the case?  Is the term “Center” associated exclusively
> with federal funding of some sort? (I’m resisting the urge to see if
> “Center” is defined in the FAR.  I gave up the FAR for Lent.  Ahem.)  Why
> would it be embarrassing or of interest to an OIG exactly?  On some level,
> this approach strikes me as a branding exercise – not a nefarious plot.  I
> may not be connecting the dots well, but I trust that y’all will help me do
> so.
> Does the analysis shift if one considers establishing a Center InNameOnly
> and then shopping it to potential industry partners?  I am not sure how one
> would get through the start-up phase of an industry-funded center/consortium
> without the branding of a name in place.  It also seem reasonable to me that
> an institution might want to hold off on obligating monies to the proposed
> center/consortium until there is proof of concept, i.e., an industry partner
> willing to join in.  The particulars of the center/consortium framework
> would shake out as the conversations unfolded between the interested
> parties.
> I recognize the entrepreneurial spirit behind Michelle’s question.  I think
> it is helpful to noodle over start-up issues in research endeavors, and
> perhaps the Research Development folks on the list might have some
> interesting input.  It’s great that Michelle sought the input of the list on
> this strategic question, and I’m hopeful that we might unpack our responses
> a little more fully to be helpful to her.
> What would we do without a list to tap into the RESADM brain trust? J
> With kind regards, Madison
> Madison Gray, J.D.*, C.R.A., C.C.R.P.
> Senior Assistant Director
> Office of Contract & Research Administration (OCRA)
> Vanderbilt University
> email: xxxxxx@vanderbilt.edu
> phone: 615-343-1374
> *Not legal counsel for Vanderbilt University.  The Office of the General
> Counsel is the only authorized legal counsel for Vanderbilt University.
> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and
> may also be privileged. If you are not the named recipient, please notify
> the sender immediately and delete the contents of this message without
> disclosing the contents to anyone, using them for any purpose, or storing or
> copying the information on any medium.  A transcript of this email is
> available free of charge.  Any information, of any nature, provided in this
> e-mail, unrelated to Vanderbilt University, is the sole opinion of the
> sender and does not reflect the view, endorsement by, or position
> of Vanderbilt University.
> From: Research Administration List
> [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Theresa Defino
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 6:05 AM
> To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
> Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] A Center in Name only
> Have you considered the implications should a reporter uncover this and
> write about it? I think it would prove quite embarrassing. Also think of the
> OIGs in this world...
> Kind regards,
> Theresa Defino
> Editor
> Report on Research Compliance
> xxxxxx@aol.com
> 301-738-3721
> Sample issue: http://aiseducation.com/samplerrc.pdf
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alvarez, Michelle E <xxxxxx@MNSU.EDU>
> To: RESADM-L <xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org>
> Sent: Tue, Mar 13, 2012 6:15 am
> Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] A Center in Name only
> It was presented as an incentive for faculty to seek funding. I thought it
> sounded like a good idea but wondered if other universities had tried it or
> had
> success with the idea.
> Michelle
> ________________________________________
> From: Research Administration List [xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] on
> behalf
> of Charles Hathaway [xxxxxx@EINSTEIN.YU.EDU]
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 8:53 PM
> To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
> Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] A Center in Name only
> If 3000 of us now know this ploy, chances are that funding agencies and
> their
> reviewers will not fall for it.
> CH
> ________________________________________
> From: Research Administration List [xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] on
> behalf
> of Alvarez, Michelle E [xxxxxx@MNSU.EDU]
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 9:09 PM
> To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
> Subject: [RESADM-L] A Center in Name only
> I heard an idea at a recent conference that I wanted to see if I could get
> feedback on related to the development of Centers (e.g., Center for Rural
> Social
> Work). The idea was that faculty interested in starting a Center could
> request
> to do so without any monetary commitment from the university. So if I wanted
> to
> start a Center I could fill out a request to my university and they would
> grant
> permission for me to use the name Center for Rural Social Work but not
> promise
> me any funding. The idea is that this would put me, a faculty member, in a
> better position to apply for funding to support the Center because I have
> the
> name already attached to it. Then even if the Center fails, the university
> has
> not lost any funds and if it succeeds then I could apply for both internal
> and
> external funding. What do you think of this idea?
> Michelle Alvarez, MSW, EdD, LICSW, C-SSWS
> Minnesota State University, Mankato
> Interim Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RASP)
> 325 Wigley Administration Center
> Mankato, MN 56001
> Phone (507)389-6652
> Fax (507)389-5459
> President, School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA)
> Editor in Chief, Children & Schools
> <image001.jpg>
> The mission of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RASP) is to
> promote learning through encouraging and assisting faculty and staff in
> their
> pursuit of external funding for research, scholarship, service and creative
> endeavors.
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 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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 via our web site at http://www.healthresearch.org (click on the
 "LISTSERV" link in the upper right corner)

 A link directly to helpful tips:  http://tinyurl.com/resadm-l-help