Subscribing to MCWIRB (and MCW-Bioethics) mgreen@xxxxxx 27 Oct 1998 13:43 EST

Here is the info about subscribing to the MCW IRB listserv...

Marsha Green

---------------------- Forwarded by Marsha Green/UNLV on 10/27/98 09:46 AM
--------------------------- on 08/28/97 10:08:28 AM

cc:   Marsha Green
Subject:  Subscribing to MCWIRB (and MCW-Bioethics)

Here is the message that I send to people who ask how to get on the MCWIRB
List. Please save it so you can then forward it via e-mail to interested
Thank you for your request for information about joining the IRB
Discussion Forum.  The Forum is open to past and current members of IRBs,
IRB administrators, individuals involved in IRB oversight, and others with
professional involvement in IRB affairs and/or research activities. We
welcome international participants.

To request subscription, send the following message:
to the address: xxxxxx@ITS.MCW.EDU

You will then receive a request for further information, and a separate
confirmation of your subscription to the list.
To inquire about the MCW-Bioethics list, send a message to the listowner
Art Derse at <>. Enjoy.

Skip Nelson
Robert M. Nelson, M.D., Ph.D.         <>
Medical College of Wisconsin          Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Telephone: (414) 266-2728             9000 West Wisconsin Ave, MS#681
FAX: (414) 266-3563                   Milwaukee, WI 53226