Regulatory committees and salary information Peter J. Dolce 27 Oct 1998 10:27 EST

Thanks to all who answered my question about whether regulatory
committees see the salary information in proposals.   For our IRB and
IACUC meetings, the PI prepares a form that abstracts the info most
essential to the regs, and every committee member gets a copy of that
form.  In addition, one member, the one who presents the project at the
committee meeting, gets the complete proposal as well.  My office, which

handles preaward processing as well as the regulatory committees, has
been giving a complete proposal to that committee member, including the
complete budget.  We've been doing this for a decade without comment,
but a new faculty member has objected to revealing salary information.
I would like to avoid adding an additional step to the intricate routine

of numbering, logging, distributing, and filing copies of
applications--i.e. removing the budget page from copies that go to
regulatory committees.  My motive for asking the question thus had
little to do with whether the committees need the budget.  Several
respondents asked, though, whether the committees use the budget, and
the answer is sometimes.   The budget often contains the PI's estimate
of the number of animals to be purchased or the number of subjects to be

enrolled (and paid).  When the narrative of the proposal and the
information on the form give conflicting versions about these numbers,
which happens occasionally for some investigators and <<always>> for a
few,  the reviewer turns to the budget for clarification.

Peter J. Dolce, Ph.D., Director
Office of Research Support Services
Meharry Medical College
Nashville, TN  37208
P (615) 327 6703
F (615) 327 6716