Patient Payments on Clinical Trials (honoraria) Lisa Ballance 22 Oct 1998 16:10 EST

Group Survey:

Please help me in my negotiations for alternative methods of paying
patient honoraria by sharing the following:

1.  Do you have multiple methods for paying patients?
2.  Can you pay patients on-site?  Is there a cap on this payment per
patient per day?
3.  If you can pay patients on-site, do you keep a "project" cash-flow
(either checking acct. or petty cash box) on hand?  Where does the money
come from to set-up the account so that the first patient to accrue
payment recieves it immediately?
4.  Do you assess indirect costs on patient honoraria or use a modified
total direct cost in budgeting?
5.  Care to share your "sticky wickets"?
6.  Is your organization public, private, or a privately held entity of
a public institution?

Any other input is welcome!


Lisa Richman Ballance, Adm. Director
VCU Institute for Clinical Trials and Outcomes Research
Medical College of Virginia of Virginia Commonwealth University
804-827-0087 fax