Re: Not Physically Qualified? Rosemary Ruff 20 Oct 1998 15:32 EST

Barbara -

I've sent many teams to Antarctica for research.  ONR handles logistics
for access so participants must qualify physically because of the time and
expense to remove someone or provide them with emergency medical care.  It
sounds to me like the clue to this whole thing may be the reason the tech
was disqualified.  Can you give me some idea of the reason .... chronic
illness such as diabetes, physical handcap, whatever.  I know a couple of
long time researchers who make the trek annually (from Alaska of course,
not Auburn) and can check with them if its something I haven't handled


On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Barbara Gray wrote:

> Here's a new one for me...and I need help quick!
> A technician on an NSF grant is supposed to be leaving for the Antarctic
> for field work in a week.  Physicals are required.  He has just been
> informed by NSF that ASA (Antarctic Support Associates), NSF's
> contractor for logistical support in the Antarctic), has determined the
> technician to be "NPQ" (Not Physically Qualified).  However, his doctor
> says he is fine to go.
> There is a waiver process at NSF but the institution has to sign a
> statement supporting the waiver.  That paperwork is on its way to me
> now.  A panel of doctors retained by NSF will review the waiver request
> and make the final determination.  The instructions with the waiver
> package indicate that the NSF physician review may take up to eight
> weeks--but the technician's plane leaves in just one!!
> The PI is supportive of the technician going; he is definitely not the
> type to put another person in jeopardy just to get the research done.  I
> have concerns about protecting this individual's privacy--I don't want
> his medical information being reviewed by a bunch of us on campus or
> anyone else who do not have a definite need to know--and only then with
> if he has given his consent.
> If anyone out there has any experience with this kind of situation,
> please post a short note to the list.  I would like to learn more about
> this issue, hear about how you handled the situation, and hear your
> opinion about what the institution is exposing itself to by signing the
> waiver.  about it.  Please also include your name and telephone
> number--I may want to call you for additional input!
> As always, thanks!
> Barbara
> --
> ============================================================
> Barbara H. Gray                                     Telephone:  843-953-5673 (Office)
> Director of Research and                                           843-953-5885 (Direct)
>   Grants Administration                            Fax:  843-953-6577
> 66 George Street                                    e-mail:
> College of Charleston                    
> Charleston, SC  29424                           Campus Location:  407G Bell Bldg.
> ============================================================

Rosemary H. Ruff                   VOICE: 334-844-4438
Assistant Director                 FAX:   334-844-5953
Contracts & Grants Administration  EMAIL:
310 Samford Hall                   Auburn University, AL 36849-5131
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