Re: personnel action forms
Paul Parker 16 Oct 1998 08:07 EST
At the State University of New York sponsored projects are administered
through a private not for profit corporation, the Research Foundation of
SUNY. Employees on sponsored projects are Research Foundation employees,
not SUNY or state employees. In this regard at Binghamton indeed the
sponsored funds office has a review responsibility (allowability, funds
availability, classification and compensation compliance, etc) and thus is
a sign off before an appointment can be made. I'd be glad to discuss
further if you'd like to call.
Paul Parker
>Does anyone out there in a central sponsored programs office get involved
>in approvals of paperwork to advertise and or hire personnel? If so, why?
>So far, all I can think of is allowability as a direct cost on a sponsored
>project. Anything else?
Paul C. Parker, Director
Sponsored Funds Administration
State University of New York
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
607-777-6752 fax 607-777-4354