Re: personnel action forms
Barbara Gray 13 Oct 1998 15:24 EST
We have repeatedly asked for sign-off on appointment forms for
grant-funded employees. To date, HR has "forgotten" to add a spot for
our initials each time they reprint the forms. (This has been going on
since I arrived here more than five years ago and has just about become
humorous!) While we're not technically in the official loop, the
provost's office must review and sign off on all of these actions, so
their budget analyst just emails us to be sure we agree with the action
when a grant is involved. We have headed many problems off at the pass
since we started this practice. We basically look to see that funds are
budgeted, that the employment meets requirements of A-21 and our state
HR regulations (especially for additional compensation actions), and
that, if the position has not been advertised, the person being hired is
named specifically in the grant. Although not an advertising or hiring
issue, we also have a special form that we initiate for course releases
that are grant funded. We use this form to instruct our budget office
to effect the payroll split, and it also becomes an input document in
our Payroll Distribution & Effort Reporting (T&E) System. (Our T&E
system is managed by our office--our FRS accounting system has never
been set up to handle the T&E function.) Feel free to call if you would
like more information.
Barbara H. Gray Telephone: 843-953-5673 (Office)
Director of Research and 843-953-5885 (Direct)
Grants Administration Fax: 843-953-6577
66 George Street e-mail:
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC 29424 Campus Location: 407G Bell Bldg.