Faculty Support Programs Peggy Lowry 12 Oct 1998 09:26 EST


My university is getting ready to implement two new support programs
for faculty and I would appreciate seeing your guidelines if you
have similar programs in place.
1. The first program is a travel fund specifically for faculty who
would like to visit with a program officer to pursue funding. (My
concern is that faculty will find ways to use this fund to help
support travel to a professional meeting, which while needed is
not the intent of this program.)
2. The second program will support one or two months summer salary
for faculty to write their "first" external proposal. Funds are
limited, so this second program would most likely have to be competitive.

We already have in place a fairly intensive proposal writing workshop
and other support services. Thanking you in advance for your
suggestions or guidelines.

Peg Lowry

Peggy S. Lowry
Office of Sponsored Programs
Murray State University
PO Box 9
Murray, KY  42071-0009
Telephone: (502) 762-3537
Fax:       (502) 762-3535
E-mail:    xxxxxx@murraystate.edu