Re: Information Dissemination Terry Edwards 01 Oct 1998 16:22 EST

This is not normally done under my area.  However, I started as a
student assistant helping to copy and disseminate all of that
information.  It's come a long way since then.  Now we use a monthly
newsletter that is sent either by e-mail, hardcopy, or posted on our
website based on the faculty member's preference.  It contains general
information on the various funding opportunities available (some with
links to agency information sites).  Usually if a faculty member is
interested they can use a response sheet to request more information
about a specific program or use the link to get more direct
information.   Of course, we have a very dedicated person to direct that
operation and a couple of part-time student assistants to help.
Overall, it helped to reduce the number of wasted copies of information
sent out, reduced the number of hardcopies of the newsletter needed, and
ultimately got more information to the faculty quicker than before.
This method is not without problems, since it is restricted by the
availability and use of technological resources by faculty members,
especially after they have become accustomed to the standard hardcopy.

Suzette S. Mauney wrote:

> We are a small sponsored programs office of 2 3/4
> people. I have a question regarding the dissemination of
> funding opportunities. The previous listings have prompted
> me to inquire for more information.
> Currently, anything I receive in the way of
> funding opportunities that I believe would be of interest
> to our faculty I send via inter-campus mail. We have a
> graduate assistant that does the copying, memo, and
> mailing.  My question is: What other ways do research
> offices disseminate funding opps to faculty? We have things
> on line for faculty to access, but I haven't a clue as to
> how often they are used. We have thought about using our
> web page as a bulletin board for listings. We all know that
> there is a vast amount of information for faculty, and I am
> looking for a time conscious way to disseminate it as
> needed. What do all of you do with the hundreds of
> announcements you receive???
> Thanks for any input!
> Suzette
> ----------------------
> Suzette S. Mauney
> Appalachian State University
> Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs
> (704)262-2694*fax(704)262-2709