Re: Information Dissemination Judy Fredenberg 01 Oct 1998 13:24 EST

Suzette --

I recommend you contact your central computing service and inquire about
"groups."  At The University of Montana, CIS has identified everyone with
one or more groups.  For instance, Pharmacy faculty are in the pr_fac
group.  I am then able to send email to all folks CIS has grouped in pr_fac
by email to the xxxxxx@selway address.

Although this doesn't let me email to particular research areas, it is a
quick way to get mass mailings out to folks.  Your CIS may 1) not have
groups or 2) discourage you from "spamming" to these groups.  While there's
not much you an do to combat the first problem, for the second, convice
them of the important nature of your mailings and that this is vital to the
health and growth of your campus.

Moreover, I have compiled email groups in my own address book so that I am
able to send the electronic NIH table of contents, for example, to a
"biomedical" group that is separate from the departmental listings.  We
probaby do 90 percent of our dissemination electronically.

Good luck!


At 01:34 PM 10/1/1998 -0400, you wrote:
>We are a small sponsored programs office of 2 3/4
>people. I have a question regarding the dissemination of
>funding opportunities. The previous listings have prompted
>me to inquire for more information.
>Currently, anything I receive in the way of
>funding opportunities that I believe would be of interest
>to our faculty I send via inter-campus mail. We have a
>graduate assistant that does the copying, memo, and
>mailing.  My question is: What other ways do research
>offices disseminate funding opps to faculty? We have things
>on line for faculty to access, but I haven't a clue as to
>how often they are used. We have thought about using our
>web page as a bulletin board for listings. We all know that
>there is a vast amount of information for faculty, and I am
>looking for a time conscious way to disseminate it as
>needed. What do all of you do with the hundreds of
>announcements you receive???
>Thanks for any input!
>Suzette S. Mauney
>Appalachian State University
>Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs
 Judy L. Fredenberg
 Executive Assistant to the
 Vice President for Research & Development
 University Hall 116
 The University of Montana
 Missoula, MT 59812

 Voice: 406-243-6670     Fax: 406-243-6330

There are days when I feel like I'm
diagonally parked in a parallel universe.