Creating dashboards, charts, and reporting for sponsored projects?
Todd C. Travis 29 Mar 2018 10:16 EST
I wanted to ask the list what software or programs any schools may be
using to create dashboards, charts, and/or reporting functions for the
dissemination of sponsored research data? And specifically those
schools that may use Peoplesoft for the Pre- and Postaward functions.
We are looking for ideas, options and ways to be able to present data to
faculty and administration in a "live" and user-friendly way -
Thanks, Todd.
Todd Travis
Sr. Research Administration Advisor/
Lead Preaward and Data Analyst
Sponsored Research Services
Clarkson University
118 Technology Advancement Center
8 Clarkson Avenue, CU Box 5630
Potsdam, NY 13699-5630
V: 315-268-4335
F: 315-268-6515
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