Faculty with Dual Appointments
Marina Aloyets 06 Mar 2012 12:48 EST
Hi all,
I was wondering how you deal with the following issue: we have a
full-time faculty member at our institution that also has a 1-day/week
appointment at another public research institution (Institution X). The
faculty member asks me if they can submit as the PI with Institution X,
since they will use most of Institution X's equipment and resources . So
far, I have always told her that since her full-time appointment is
here, she can only be the PI at our institution, and someone at
Institution X can be the Co-PI (subaward). Or Institution X can be the
prime (with another lead PI), and she can be the CO-PI on the subaward
to our institution.
What are your thoughts on this issue?
Marina Aloyets
Pre-Award Officer
Office of Research& Sponsored Programs
Montclair State University
1 Normal Avenue, College Hall 309
Montclair, NJ 07043
973.655.5367 (tel)
973.655.5150 (fax)
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