K-Award, VA, Clinical Effort Tina Noonan (15 Dec 2010 10:54 EST)
Re: K-Award, VA, Clinical Effort Ed Herran (15 Dec 2010 11:24 EST)

K-Award, VA, Clinical Effort Tina Noonan 15 Dec 2010 10:54 EST

I am forwarding this on behalf of our Director of Contracts:

"We are a large multi-disciplinary practice plan/clinic associated with a hospital, medical school, and VA hospital.  Our clinic combined with the hospital and medical school form an academic medical center.  We have two physicians who have  K-12 awards for 75% of their time.  They also work at our local VA hospital for the remaining 25% of their time.  The end result is that both of these physicians are 100% ‘bought out’.  They are both willing to do more work within our clinical environment, but we believe this would be an effort violation as they have 100% of their time purchased.  The options we are looking at are:

1 – partial employment at the VA, resulting in two separate employment arrangements.

2 – request the K-award effort be dropped to 50% (can this be done when the award is active?) .

Has anyone else faced similar situations?  And, if so, how did you handle it?"

Please feel free to reply directly to me at xxxxxx@hitchcock.org, or to Markes at xxxxxx@hitchcock.org.


Tina G. Noonan
Vice President for Clinical Research Operations
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, NH

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