Talent Search proposal request Beryline Temples (26 Oct 2010 09:02 EST)
Re: Talent Search proposal request Ken Clark (26 Oct 2010 09:30 EST)

Talent Search proposal request Beryline Temples 26 Oct 2010 09:02 EST

Fellow Research Administrators,
Our office is attempting to help our College of Education write their first Talent Search proposal.  We've been trying to get a copy of one as an example and have even asked the program officer for one with no luck.  All we were able to get from attending the pre-application workshop were the guidelines and copies of the powerpoint presentation.

If anybody would be willing to share a proposal with us or tell us where we can get one, it would be greatly appreciated.
Beryline Temples, M.S.
Sponsored Programs Administrator
Sponsored Programs Office
University of Central Arkansas
201 Donaghey Avenue
Torreyson Library 324
Conway, AR 72035-0001
phone:  (501) 450-3451
fax:  (501) 450-5339

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