Re: NIH cuts Susan Burke 30 Nov 2005 20:36 EST

We saw the first 80% funding award come through last week.  We queried
Joe Ellis at OPERA, thinking perhaps we had missed a notice about NIH
procedures while operating under a continuing resolution.  This is his

 Generally, this is the standard approach to providing funding of
 non-competing awards while we are operating under a Continuing
 Resolution (currently extended to 12/17/05).

 We have been considering issuing a Notice in the NIH Guide, but it
 really won't say much more than the footnote included in these awards.

Since the appropriations bill that includes NIH seems to be giving
Congress an excuse to exercise its typical la-la land rhetoric, we may
well not see the 20% balance of our FY06 awards for some time.

Gee, all this and, too.  Dig in, folks.


Susan B. Burke
Associate Director
NYU Office of Sponsored Programs
15 Washington Place, 1-H
New York, NY 10003
telephone: 212-998-2017
fax: 212-995-4029

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