yes. i set up a new account for a pi yesterday and it probably took me
two hours -- it was incredibly slow bringing up the site (took me
several tries), logging on, then every time i submitted info it just
poked. i buzzed around taking care of other business while waiting for a
response from the commons. hope it won't be like that on submittal day
Carolyn Elliott-Farino
Associate Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Kennesaw State University
Phone: (770) 423-6381
Fax: (770) 499-3620
>>> xxxxxx@TEMPLE.EDU 11/17/05 9:54 AM >>>
We are having difficulty with NIH Commons - routing esnap proposals,
reviewing esnaps, accessing commons. Is everyone else having
with the system?
Eleanor M. Cicinsky
Director, PreAward Sponsored Projects Administration
Temple University, 406 USB, 083-45
1601 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
(Ph) 215.204.8691
(Fx) 215.204.7486
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