Re: Forecasting and financial models
Susan Meslang 17 Nov 2005 09:31 EST
Please let me know what you receive. thanks
"If we knew what it was we were doing, It would not be research would
Albert Einstein
Susan W. Meslang
Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs
Tidewater Community College
500 East Main Street
Norfolk VA 23510
P.O. Box 9000
Norfolk VA 23509
Office 757 822-1773
Cell 757 409-2887
Fax 757 822-1007
>>> xxxxxx@HSCMAIL.MCC.VIRGINIA.EDU 11/17/05 8:27 AM >>>
Good morning-
I have recently been promoted to Director of Research for a large
department (ten divisions) in a medical school. This is a new position
for our department.
I want to utilize as many forecasting and financial analysis tools as
can for this~ was wondering what types of tools others are using for
trending, forecasting revenues, etc.
Camilla Curnow
Department Analyst
Internal Medicine
Box 801020
243-0399 Fax
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