Re: Off Campus Indirect Cost Rate Kris Rhodes 11 Nov 2005 14:42 EST


The off-campus rate for most organizations is the same
- 26% which correspondence to the OMB Circular A-21
cap on administrative costs.

Even if a significant amount of the work occurs
off-campus, if 50% of the work occurs on campus and
there is no rental costs requested in the proposal, I
would indicate that the on-campus rate is applicable,
but that your institution has agreed to limit indirect
cost recovery to 26%.  Frequently when you see US
Dept. of Ed. language like this, your proposal's
competitives will not seen favorable if you request

If more than 50% of the work will be conducted
off-campus,I would request F&A recovery of 26% and I
would foot note that your current rate only makes
provisions for an on-campus rate and that 26% is being
requested consistent with OMB-A-21's administrative
cap, pending agency approval of the rate.

Good luck!
Kris Rhodes

--- Angela Sgroi <xxxxxx@TCNJ.EDU> wrote:

> We are submitting a couple of research proposals to
> the Institute of
> Education Sciences of the US Dept of Ed.  The RFA
> states that:
> "The Institute anticipates that the majority of the
> research will be
> conducted in field settings and many of the other
> activities will be
> conducted off-campus.  Hence, the applicant is
> reminded to apply its
> negotiated off-campus indirect cost rate, as
> directed by the terms of
> the applicants negotiated agreement."
> We are a PUI with one federally-negotiated rate.  I
> have interpreted
> that as something that applies to all research at
> our institution, both
> on and off campus.  I would appreciate advice from
> this group about that
> interpretation as well as advice about where I could
> find documentation
> to help me back up this interpretation.
> Are there PUIs out there with two rates?  What is
> the basis for it?
> Thanks in advance.
> Angela Sgroi
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> > begin:vcard
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> n:Sgroi, Ed. D.;Angela
> org:The College of New Jersey;Office of Academic
> Grants and Sponsored Research
> adr:;;P.O. Box 7718;Ewing;NJ;08628-0718;USA
> email;
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