Re: issues and problems
Jon Hart 08 Nov 2005 09:32 EST
Our biggest problem is that 50% of our investigators use the MAC platform,
and (specifically the PureEdge software) is designed to be used
with a Windows PC. The MAC "fix" doesn't really work, and we are looking
into buying a Citrix server (approx. $40K), buying everyone a PC, and other
ways to allow MAC users to submit applications from their own computers.
Major, major problem for us.
Jon Hart, M.P.A., C.I.P.
Senior Director
Office of Sponsored Programs Administration
Human Subjects Protections Program
The Rockefeller University
Tel: (212) 327-8054; fax: (212) 327-8400
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG] On Behalf Of
Rochelle R Athey
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 6:04 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: [RESADM-L] issues and problems
Dear all:
The State of Texas has been offered the opportunity to meet with GAO to
discuss implementation issues related to PL106-107 and the Governor's Office
graciously invited UT Austin to participate in the opportunity to share
information with GAO.
This is a great opportunity to be heard by an organization that might be
able to help us with implementation.
I have collected information about issues from the FDP website
and NCURA (and I have scoured resadm-l archives).
Nevertheless, I would like to obtain more data from you, the people who most
often work with and ponder its usefulness or lack thereof.
Do any of you have a summary list of problems available?
I have already noted in my written materials for GAO that there are issues
with bandwidth, difficulties with the SF424 R&R, CCR registration problems,
and communication problems between federal agencies and on what
is needed to move forward on the project.
What else should I communicate? GAO seems particularly interested in the
following problems (not exclusively focused on the
proliferation of agency electronic systems, system-to-system interfaces with, and lack of coordination among federal agencies re information
to be submitted.
Please forward comments and concerns to me prior to November 11th so I can
include them in the discussion with GAO.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Rochelle R. Athey
The University of Texas at Austin
Associate Director, Sponsored Projects
PO Box 7726
Austin, TX 78713-7726
512-471-6564 fax
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