COS Update Chris Thompson (26 Mar 2014 13:57 EST)
Re: COS Update Joel Curtice Fritzler (26 Mar 2014 15:37 EST)
Re: COS Update Chris Thompson (26 Mar 2014 17:49 EST)
Re: COS Update Berry, Matt L. (27 Mar 2014 08:11 EST)
Re: COS Update Chris Thompson (28 Mar 2014 08:39 EST)
Re: COS Update Chris Thompson (28 Mar 2014 09:04 EST)
Re: COS Update Nordquist, Daniel G (28 Mar 2014 10:51 EST)
Re: COS Update Ricky Ray (28 Mar 2014 13:31 EST)
Re: COS Update Mike L. Varney (31 Mar 2014 13:05 EST)

Re: COS Update Chris Thompson 28 Mar 2014 09:04 EST

Note to self... don't hit reply to a message that was posted "on the list"
if you want to reply "off the list".  Good morning everyone!  Clearly I
needed more coffee this early. ;)

Since I've already wasted your time with the message meant for Matt and
now this apology let me brave even further repercussions and say that Mr.
Varney responded to me that the list is unmoderated so there is no
restriction on content and that he doesn't have time to review my messages
before they're posted. He also said that HRI doesn't wish to support
another list that would take on the posting of advertisement like emails
such as job postings, conferences, software, services, and publications
which is extremely reasonable given they already bear the cost of this
wonderful list out of the goodness of their hearts. So I ask this question,
would you support such a listserv?  I've created a one question survey to
collect responses at if you're so


On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 08:39:07 -0500, <> wrote:
> Matt,
> Thank you so much for the words of encouragement and for braving the
> possible backlash by posting this on the list.  It's truly appreciated
> I'll keep fighting the good fight with support from folks like you!
> -Chris
> P.S.  I'd respond on list but we both know what would happen
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:11:23 +0000, "Berry, Matt L." <xxxxxx@OU.EDU>
> wrote:
>> Chris,
>> I for one enjoy your posts and think they are most informative.  I
>> there is nothing wrong with what and how you post your information on
> this
>> research administration list serv.   Your posts cover the topics
> included
>> in research administration.
>> Thanks
>> Matt L Berry, MBA, CRA, Proposal Development Specialist, Office of
>> Research Services
>> University of Oklahoma Norman, 201 David L. Boren Blvd., Three Partners
>> Place, Suite 150, Norman, OK  73019-5715
>> Phone: (405) 325-6131; Fax: (405) 325-7750
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Research Administration List
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Thompson
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 5:50 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] COS Update
>> Joel,
>> I did a little research and here's what I found.  In March so far there
>> have been 77 new threads started on the listserv.  47% of those have
> been
>> job postings, 38% have been general research topics, 9% have been
> software
>> or services related (including mine), 5% were related to conferences,
>> meetings or publications, and the last was Spanky and who could
>> say no to or categorize him?
>> It was my intention to share information that I felt might be helpful
> I
>> feel terribly that it didn't come through that way.  I understand
> there's
>> no way you can see the positive responses I receive offline or to know
>> what's truly in my heart. If it puts into context I just returned from
>> mission trip to Belize were we built a house for a family of 6 so I
> cant'
>> be THAT bad a guy. :) If I've stepped over the line here I apologize to
>> anyone who felt slighted by the information related to COS, our
>> and Cazzodle's which I felt could be helpful to those who might have
> been
>> left in the lurch.
>> I've reached out to Mike Varney about possibly setting up a new list
>> the 62% of the messages which aren't dedicated "help me with my
>> issues" messages and could be considered advertising. I even offered to
>> have him approve my posts before they're distributed in the mean time.
>> Apologies again,
>> Chris
>> On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:37:38 +0000, Joel Curtice Fritzler
>> <xxxxxx@NAU.EDU<mailto:xxxxxx@NAU.EDU>> wrote:
>>> What else shall we advertise on this discussion listserv?
>>> Joel Fritzler
>>> Grant and Contract Administrator
>>> Office of Grant and Contract Services
>>> ARD Building #56, 1298 S. Knoles Dr., Suite 240 Northern Arizona
>>> University Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4130
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Research Administration List
>>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Thompson
>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 11:58 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [RESADM-L] COS Update
>>> Some time ago (last fall) there was a lot of discussion about COS
>>> having made a transition from their standard funding opportunity
>>> search tool to Pivot and the significant increase in cost of the new
>>> enhanced offering.
>>> Many users felt left out in the cold as they either didn't need the
>> awesome
>>> new features it offered or couldn't afford the price increase.  I'd
>> shared
>>> with everyone that we were in discussions with the COS team on
>>> licensing their data to offer through our Kwest product (similar to
>>> the old COS product but we feel more user friendly) and I said I'd
>>> provide an
>> update.
>>> We tried diligently to work with the COS team assuming they'd see this
>> as
>>> an opportunity but we were unsuccessful.  Once it became apparent that
>> we
>>> weren't going to be able to make this happen we decided to hire a
>>> couple
>> of
>>> people to generate our own private data sources.
>>> So, if you're still looking for an affordable tool for faculty and
>>> research admin staff to find funding opportunities I'd encourage you
>>> to check out Kwest by visiting
>>> and clicking on the "Start
>>> your free 15 day Trial" button. There's no obligation whatsoever, no
>>> credit card information necessary to take it
>> for
>>> a test drive.  our last client test drove it for about 4 hours before
>>> signing up.
>>> I will say we're finding Kwest addresses the biggest issue we've heard
>>> about such tools... that nobody uses them.  Over the last month we've
>> only
>>> seen one Sunday where users from our clients haven't been in the
>>> system searching, checking on search agent results that are emailed to
>>> them, or reviewing update notifications on their saved opportunities
>>> so it's definitely reaching the target audience.
>>> On a related update for those that may not know, the IRIS product was
>>> updated recently as well.  A new company, Cazoodle, took ownership and
>>> updated the user interface so you may want to check them out as well
>>> as
>> a
>>> good COS replacement.  Their site is
>> and
>>> they also offer a free trial.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Chris
>>> ======================================================================
>>>  Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
>>> subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
>> via
>>>  our web site at (click on the
>>>  link in the upper right corner)
>>>  A link directly to helpful tips:
>>> ======================================================================
>>> ======================================================================
>>>  Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
>>> subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
>>> via our web site at (click on the
>>> "LISTSERV" link in the upper right corner)
>>>  A link directly to helpful tips:
>>> ======================================================================
>> ======================================================================
>> Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
>> subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
> via
>> our web site at (click on the  "LISTSERV"
>> link in the upper right corner)
>> A link directly to helpful tips:
>> ======================================================================
>> ======================================================================
>>  Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
>>  subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
>>  via our web site at (click on the
>>  "LISTSERV" link in the upper right corner)
>>  A link directly to helpful tips:
>> ======================================================================

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on the
 "LISTSERV" link in the upper right corner)

 A link directly to helpful tips: