COS Update Chris Thompson (26 Mar 2014 13:57 EST)
Re: COS Update Joel Curtice Fritzler (26 Mar 2014 15:37 EST)
Re: COS Update Chris Thompson (26 Mar 2014 17:49 EST)
Re: COS Update Berry, Matt L. (27 Mar 2014 08:11 EST)
Re: COS Update Chris Thompson (28 Mar 2014 08:39 EST)
Re: COS Update Chris Thompson (28 Mar 2014 09:04 EST)
Re: COS Update Nordquist, Daniel G (28 Mar 2014 10:51 EST)
Re: COS Update Ricky Ray (28 Mar 2014 13:31 EST)
Re: COS Update Mike L. Varney (31 Mar 2014 13:05 EST)

Re: COS Update Chris Thompson 26 Mar 2014 17:49 EST


I did a little research and here's what I found.  In March so far there
have been 77 new threads started on the listserv.  47% of those have been
job postings, 38% have been general research topics, 9% have been software
or services related (including mine), 5% were related to conferences,
meetings or publications, and the last was Spanky and who could possibly
say no to or categorize him?

It was my intention to share information that I felt might be helpful so I
feel terribly that it didn't come through that way.  I understand there's
no way you can see the positive responses I receive offline or to know
what's truly in my heart. If it puts into context I just returned from a
mission trip to Belize were we built a house for a family of 6 so I cant'
be THAT bad a guy. :) If I've stepped over the line here I apologize to
anyone who felt slighted by the information related to COS, our product,
and Cazzodle's which I felt could be helpful to those who might have been
left in the lurch.

I've reached out to Mike Varney about possibly setting up a new list for
the 62% of the messages which aren't dedicated "help me with my research
issues" messages and could be considered advertising. I even offered to
have him approve my posts before they're distributed in the mean time.

Apologies again,

On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:37:38 +0000, Joel Curtice Fritzler
<xxxxxx@NAU.EDU> wrote:
> What else shall we advertise on this discussion listserv?
> Joel Fritzler
> Grant and Contract Administrator
> Office of Grant and Contract Services
> ARD Building #56, 1298 S. Knoles Dr., Suite 240
> Northern Arizona University
> Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4130
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Research Administration List
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Thompson
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 11:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: [RESADM-L] COS Update
> Some time ago (last fall) there was a lot of discussion about COS having
> made a transition from their standard funding opportunity search tool to
> Pivot and the significant increase in cost of the new enhanced offering.

> Many users felt left out in the cold as they either didn't need the
> new features it offered or couldn't afford the price increase.  I'd
> with everyone that we were in discussions with the COS team on licensing
> their data to offer through our Kwest product (similar to the old COS
> product but we feel more user friendly) and I said I'd provide an
> We tried diligently to work with the COS team assuming they'd see this
> an opportunity but we were unsuccessful.  Once it became apparent that
> weren't going to be able to make this happen we decided to hire a couple
> people to generate our own private data sources.
> So, if you're still looking for an affordable tool for faculty and
> research admin staff to find funding opportunities I'd encourage you to
> check out Kwest by visiting and
> clicking on the "Start your free 15 day Trial" button. There's no
> obligation whatsoever, no credit card information necessary to take it
> a test drive.  our last client test drove it for about 4 hours before
> signing up.
> I will say we're finding Kwest addresses the biggest issue we've heard
> about such tools... that nobody uses them.  Over the last month we've
> seen one Sunday where users from our clients haven't been in the system
> searching, checking on search agent results that are emailed to them, or
> reviewing update notifications on their saved opportunities so it's
> definitely reaching the target audience.
> On a related update for those that may not know, the IRIS product was
> updated recently as well.  A new company, Cazoodle, took ownership and
> updated the user interface so you may want to check them out as well as
> good COS replacement.  Their site is
> they also offer a free trial.
> Best regards,
> Chris
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>  Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on the
 "LISTSERV" link in the upper right corner)

 A link directly to helpful tips: