NASA STTR Submission - PI at both SBC & RI
Lori Doll
(15 Feb 2023 14:22 EST)
Re: [RESADM-L] NASA STTR Submission - PI at both SBC & RI
Bobbie Ursin
(15 Feb 2023 15:08 EST)
RE: [RESADM-L] NASA STTR Submission - PI at both SBC & RI Vicky Ortiz Batson (15 Feb 2023 16:06 EST)
Re: [RESADM-L] NASA STTR Submission - PI at both SBC & RI
Stacey Becker
(16 Feb 2023 07:49 EST)
Lori, At my previous institution, I submitted many, many STTRs and SBIRs. Many were in the situation you describe. We did not allow them at proposal stage to be both the PI at the company and PI at the university. Sometimes they would designate another person to be PI on the company side and sometimes they would designate someone to be PI on the University side. Either way, they had to have their COI filed and preferably approved with a mitigation plan for this situations prior to submission. Thank you. Vicky Vicky Ortiz Batson, MA Grants & Contracts Manager Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology Duke University School of Medicine 308 Research Drive, Durham, North Carolina 27710 Phone: 919-684-8007 -----Original Message----- From: <> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 3:08 PM To: Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] NASA STTR Submission - PI at both SBC & RI Lori, I have been involved in several STTR proposals, where the PI at the small business & the PI at the university were the same, although these proposals were to other federal agencies. Our practice was to inform the PI that should an award result, they would need to work with our conflict of interest office to develop & implement a management plan. Bobbie Ursin Semi-retired ________________________________________ From: <> on behalf of Lori Doll <> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 12:21:31 PM To: Subject: [RESADM-L] NASA STTR Submission - PI at both SBC & RI Hello Research Administration Think Tank, I have a question regarding a NASA STTR submission. The guidelines state that the PI of the award can either be from the SBC or the research institution; however, it does not mention anything about being the PI at the SBC AND the PI at the research institute at the same time. We have a faculty member inquiring if this can be done. I am curious if any of you have had this situation and if so, how did you manage it? Was it allowable? Thanks so much for your help! Have a great day, Lori Lori Doll Research Policy, Compliance & Education Outreach Program Director Notre Dame Research Administration & Compliance<;!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChPNy68U_g$ > 940 Grace Hall, Notre Dame IN, 46556 574.631.6229 Please tell us how we are doing! NDRA Support<***forms*d*e*1FAIpQLSeimi_32EfpmrBleLwFqcrVXwrUkwXXBYU89i9y5QKD10y13w*viewform&source=gmail-html&ust=1644413554127000&usg=AOvVaw0484Ii25c8zqd1yXNjChd3__;Ly8vLy8vLw!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChPt69kIrg$ > [;!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChMdH-XGpA$ ]<***&source=gmail-html&ust=1644413554127000&usg=AOvVaw2zRCxfoqfT19WZVWyasOOP__;Ly8v!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChPJBlVMZw$ > Notre Dame Research Administration is currently participating in a hybrid work location program. Please feel free to request a zoom or in-person meeting! - = - = - = - = - = - = - This email was sent to xxxxxx@NAU.EDU via the Research Administrator's mailing list. To unsubscribe from RESADM-L, go to;!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChMjp2BWow$ and go into the Account Settings area. List archives are available at:;!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChN6x9gHgw$ To change your settings (such as Digest Mode or to temporarily suspend list emails):;!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChMjp2BWow$ - = - = - = - = - = - = - This email was sent to via the Research Administrator's mailing list. To unsubscribe from RESADM-L, go to;!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChMjp2BWow$ and go into the Account Settings area. List archives are available at:;!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChN6x9gHgw$ To change your settings (such as Digest Mode or to temporarily suspend list emails):;!!OToaGQ!v2Ut0eKoqbSxXZBG-h812oCvZFWbXsIr4zmsIRFotfjCPNHqpaEbTZJ5U6eztnRjjLLv0Omn4vNZfS71qtGedJwdr-hAChMjp2BWow$