Re: [RESADM-L] DOD funded Subcontract to a DOE National Lab - Help Please! Bobbie Ursin (15 Dec 2021 13:17 EST)

Re: [RESADM-L] DOD funded Subcontract to a DOE National Lab - Help Please! Bobbie Ursin 15 Dec 2021 13:16 EST


At a former institution, we collaborated with multiple national labs under federal awards.  Each national lab had their own contract templates.  I do believe that our institution was both a prime & subrecipient, but we always accepted their templates.

Bobbie Ursin
From: <> on behalf of Maren Savage <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 10:54:13 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] DOD funded Subcontract to a DOE National Lab - Help Please!

Good Morning All,

Happy Holidays from the frozen north, -40 degrees this morning in Fairbanks, Alaska!

I am reaching out to see if anyone has had successful experiences subcontracting to a national lab.  I have a DOD prime contract, over $750k so all the terms that come with that...

I've been asked to contract with subrecipient Lawrence Livermore National Lab (~$300K over 2 years).  LLNL has provided their Strategic Partnership Program Agreement with non-Federal Sponsors Agreement and indicated they would accept no additional terms and conditions.  I have only once before tried to subcontract and  align DOD mandatory flow down terms with a National Lab and we ended up having to find a different partner to work with.

Has anyone successfully navigated subcontracting with a National Lab when the prime contract is from a sponsor other than that of the Lab? If you would be willing to share your methodology, I would really appreciate some insights.

Thank you, Happy Holidays.

Maren Savage

Maren Savage, CRA, GWCCM
Contract & Fiscal Manager
Geophysical Detection of Nuclear Proliferation University Affiliated Research Center

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