Re: Word Perfect/Adobe Acrobat Rusty Okoniewski 09 Dec 1999 09:54 EST

 I wouldn't necessarily assume it was an attempt by Microsoft to "make it
more difficult for people who don't want to use their software."
 I would be more likely to guess that the WordPerfect folks can't (or
won't) come to agreement on terms of a  license to Microsoft for the rights
to use newer versions of WordPerfect for use as a "Save as" format.
 I wouldn't expect Ford to make all their parts interchangeable with
General I guess it is not surprising that the two big
wordprocessing manufacturers won't work together either...(but wouldn't it
be nice if they did!)
Rusty Okoniewski, Interim Director
IFAS Sponsored Programs
University of Florida
G040 McCarty Hall-D
PO Box 110110
Gainesville, FL 32611-0110
Telephone: (352) 392-2356
Fax: (352) 392-8479
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-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG]On Behalf
Of Jane Prudhomme
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 5:46 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: Word Perfect/Adobe Acrobat

All "recent" versions of Microsoft Office only allow conversion to
WordPerfect 5
or below.  Nothing higher.  Therein is the problem. I'm assuming it's a
"marketing" thing Microsoft does to make it more difficult for people who
want to use their software.
- Jane

Randall Legeai wrote:

> At 09:41 PM 12/07/1999 -0700, you wrote:
> >The WordPerfect to PDF conversion is the same as for Office 97/Word 97 to
> >PDF. One likely explanation is that the document was compromised when it
> >was translated to Office 97/Word 97, since Word will only recognize
> >WordPerfect 5 (published 7 or 8 years ago).

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