Re: Word Perfect/Adobe Acrobat Keron hopkins 08 Dec 1999 09:49 EST

I use Acrobat Distiller to convert the file from Wordperfect to a postscript file and then to a PDF file.  Keron
>>> Joanne Cobble <xxxxxx@FOUNDATION.SDSU.EDU> 12/07/99 08:48PM >>>
We have a few PI's that still use WordPerfect. When creating a PDF from a
word perfect document, formatting is compromised totally. We saved this
document as a Office 97/Word 97 document, but the formatting is still saved
into the new document; scanning finally worked, but an error message still
came up before the PDF was created.  Does anyone have another solution?

Thank you

Joanne T. Cobble
Proposal Services Specialist
San Diego State University Foundation
Research and Community Services - Development
5250 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA  92182-1931
619.594.4950 (fax)

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