Top Ten List for 1999 Glenn Krell 02 Dec 1999 12:42 EST

Hello resadm-l'rs,

The NCURA conference got me thinking: what might be a  "top ten" list of
required reading for research administrators in 1999?  I'd like to nominate
one article, and ask the listserv members what they think should be on such
a top ten list.

- New Yorker Magazine, June 7, 1999, profile article by James Fallows: "The
Political Scientist: Harold Varmus has ambitious plans for the future of
medicine.  But can he get Congress to support the most controversial and
promising research in medical history?"

Any other nominations for articles that help us to keep current?

Glenn Krell
Grants Coordinator
UC Berkeley School of Public Health
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-7360
Tel: (510) 642-9206; Fax: (510) 642-9891

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