Pro-Cards at University of Washington Judith Opacki 24 Nov 1999 13:17 EST

(The following message is being forwarded for William Tolbert who is
handling the University of Washington project on pro-cards)

This is in response to the original request from University of

We here at the University of Washington are using a card provider which
has their program on the web.  In January we will begin reviewing,
reconciling and approving all of our charges on the web site and will then
upload the data from the web site to our accounting system.  All changes
to charges (different budgets, object codes, or splitting charges) will be
done prior to release of the charges for payment.  We have established a
weekly accounting cycle and will upload the weekly charges the second week
after they appear on the account in order to give departments sufficient
time to review, reconcile and approve. We will make a weekly payment to
the card provider approximately 2 weeks after the charges appear on the

We will be allowing grant budgets to be charged on the account.  We will
also on a case by case basis allow a grant budget to be the default budget
on the card.  It will require pre-approval and we will establish an
expiration date for that card based on the ending date of the grant cited
on the card.  We are also uploading our budget number index for active
budgets to the card web site.  That then prevents a budget from being
selected for charge as soon as it goes into an invalid status.  We upload
this data weekly.  Certainly we will get a few charges that get through
between the time the budget is selected and the time we actually pay the
bill but those occurrences are infrequent enough that we will handle them
on a case by case basis with the department involved.

We have a single transaction limit of $2,000.00 to stay out of the capital
equipment arena until we can address the issue of getting sufficient
transaction detail from the vendor to allow us to populate our equipment
accounting system with the data it requires with an automated upload.

William P Tolbert
Special Projects Assistant to Asst Controller
Financial Services

University of Washington
3917 University Way NE
Seattle WA, 98105-6692

Campus Mail: Box 351120

(206) 685-6902
(206) 543-3862 (FAX)

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