Procurement Cards S_HUARD@xxxxxx 23 Nov 1999 14:58 EST


We have been using procurement cards (p-cards) at UNH for about 3 years now.
They are available for grant purchases, inlcuding research supplies (and, if
allowable by the grant, office supplies).

Issues to pay attention to:  whether or not one allows a grant account to be
cited as a card's default accounting distribution  (at UNH, that happens only
with the approval of our office);  backup material and retention thereof;
implications for mbe/wbe reporting (at UNH, we had to devise a crosswalk
between our pcard subsystem and our central vendor file which maintains
information on mbe/wbe attributes.

Our users have been generally pleased with the pcard program.

There is information on the UNH website:

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Suzanne Huard
> Mgr, Information Systems & Technology              Tel:   603-862-2005
> Office of Sponsored Research                                 Fax:
> 603-862-3564
> University of New Hampshire
> Durham, NH  03824
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ----------
> From:         Sandy Schulte
> Reply To:     Research Administration Discussion List
> Sent:         Tuesday, November 23, 1999 2:27 PM
> To:
> Subject:      Pro-Cards or Credit Cards for grant supplies
> Are there any institutions allowing PIs to use Pro-Cards or Credit
> Cards to charge grant purchases, specifically supplies.  We'd like
> to hear comments (both pro and con) regarding this practice, if
> anyone is using it.  UConn uses the cards for departmental
> operating purchases, and we would like to extend it to
> grants, so we are considering a small pilot program to check out
> how well it works for grant supply purchases.  We need to know
> this info by Monday, if at all possible.  Thanks.
> Sandy Schulte
> Asst Vice Provost for Research Administration
> University of Connecticut
> Tel: 860-486-0985; FAX 860-486-5381
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