Research Recognition Summary
Peggy Lowry 05 Nov 1999 08:13 EST
Thanks to everybody who responded to my query about the forms of research
recognition, especially at predominately undergraduate institutions. A
number of people requested that I summarize the results. These and other
forms of recognition will also be discussed at an upcoming NCURA session on
Faculty Issues in Small Institutions.
Responses included the following forms of recognition:
--Sponsored programs annual report
--Luncheons for faculty receiving awards and submitting proposals
--Receptions (some institutions include a gift, some have a speaker such as
President, some are punch and others are wine/cheese)
--Recognition in newsletter, office web page, e-mailing
--Award notice sent to faculty, dean, VP, may come from sponsored programs
or President
--Research publication (internal distribution and sponsored programs focus,
or internal distribution and research/scholarly/creative activity focus, or
external distribution)
--Promotion/tenure process
--Some type of faculty award (outstanding researcher, outstanding
professional publication) that may include a public lecture or
recital/exhibition and may include money
--Recognition at annual convocation
--News sheets to trustees and key alumni
--Annual President's report (includes list of grants, publications or other
faculty activities)
Peggy S. Lowry
Office of Sponsored Programs
Murray State University
PO Box 9
Murray, KY 42071-0009
Telephone: (270) 762-3537
Fax: (270) 762-3535
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