Reply: Patents and federal funds Stephen Erickson 20 Oct 1999 23:49 EST

The concern you would have over "profitability" would have nothing to
do with accepting federal project funding. As a nonprofit institution,
you may have tax concerns that you ma need to consider.  The primary
issue you would need to face in terms of patenting is complying with
the terms of what I would expect would be the standard patent and
licensing provision the agency would include in your grant(s). On that
matter, I would refer you to the Code of Federal Regulations can find that at the following address on the web:

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 12:09:20 -0400 Laura Hartley
<xxxxxx@MAIL.LESLEY.EDU> wrote:

> I've got a question that I hope members of the list can help me with.
> I have a faculty member currently working on developing a project in
> which we will be creating a new approach to working with a particular
> population of children in a clinical setting.  This is one of our
> President's big initiatives right now, and we are hoping that the
> Center that will come out of this initiative will eventually be a
> revenue-generating (fee-for-service), somewhat standalone operation.
> As part of this project, we are exploring the possibility of patenting
> the process/approach, including some software that will be developed
> for use in the approach.
> There are currently several U.S. Dept of Ed competitions open whose
> priorities fit very well with what we are hoping to accomplish in this
> project.
> My question is this: what are the implications of accepting federal
> funding to develop a portion of the project, in terms of ownership and
> future profitability?
> I haven't worked with patents before, so any advice would be greatly
> appreciated. Laura C. Hartley, Ph.D.
> Grants Officer/Staff Writer Office of the Provost
> Lesley College 29 Everett Street
> Cambridge, MA 02138-2790 Phone: 617-349-8795
> Fax: 617-349-8599 email:
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Stephen Erickson
Director, Office of Research Administration
Boston College
Telephone: 617-552-3344
Local fax: 2-0747
Fax from Off-Campus: 413-895-8328

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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