Re: What means of internal communication do you use at your insti tuti ons? Herr, Barbara 10 Sep 1999 10:30 EST

Dear Jacqueline,

This is extremely helpful. We will try to summarize all such feedback in our
presentation. Sounds like you have a good system. The idea of alternating
meeting sites is an excellent way to handle things on a large campus.

Barbara E. Herr, MS, CCRC
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Executive Director,
Neuromuscular Disease Center
Box 673
University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, New York 14642
Phone (716) 275-7983
Fax (716) 256-1423

-----Original Message-----
From: Dejean, Jacqueline S. [mailto:xxxxxx@PARTNERS.ORG]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 10:07 AM
Subject: FW: What means of internal communication do you use at your
insti tuti ons?

> Hi Barbara,
> Massachusetts General Hospital has the thing. This is sponsored and
> organized by the Sponsored Projects Office. The meetings are called "RADG"
> (Research Administrator's Discussion Group) Meetings and are held monthly
> on alternating campuses. Topics range from the latest NIH announcements,
> grants management software, instruction in reading new financial reports,
> and the latest research being conducted by a guest PI lecturer.
> Continental Breakfast is usually served.
> MGH also has the capacity to send out emails to all the Research
> Administrators in the Hospital. And we receive monthly Sponsored Projects
> Newsletters.
> Hope this helps,
> Jacqueline Dejean
> Research Financial Manager
> Department of Radiology
> Massachusetts General Hospital
> phone: 617-724-5203
> fax: 617-726-7830

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