Re: Use of US Air Flag Carriers
Ruth Tallman 03 Sep 1999 08:31 EST
You may tease us, Richard, but you have to explain what "GM"
stands for? General Motors?
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Tomlin [SMTP:xxxxxx@NCL.AC.UK]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: Use of US Air Flag Carriers
Tim Sparklin wrote:
> The guidelines for government paid international travel are specific in
> determining when and where to use US and foriegn air carriers. But this
> interesting twist just came to light: What about the US carriers who are
> in partnership with a foreign air service (ie. US Airways and British
> Airways)? We have an instance of an individual who wants to use British
> Airways for an international trip, citing the partnership with the US
> carrier as a way of "staying within the Fly America Act". Is this going
> out on a limb or what? Comments and suggestions are always appreciated.
Just to comment that this kind of restrictive anti-competitive rule
would be illegal over here. But if we agree to eat your GM food, will
you fly on our planes??
Just teasing .....
Richard Tomlin | Centre for Higher
| Education Research,
tel: (+44)(0)191 222 6820 | Joseph Cowen House,
fax: (+44)(0)191 222 8170 | University of Newcastle,
e-mail: | Newcastle NE1 7RU, UK.
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