Re: Evaluating Quality of Office Support -Reply
mjs 27 Aug 1999 09:59 EST
Thanks very much for the reply. Yes, please send a copy of the "instrument" you
use. Unfortunately, no one on the list seemed to have anything. I had determined
that I would have to write one. So, that goes on the stack of "things to do".
Your interest and help are appreciated.
Martha J. Spalding
Coordinator, Sponsored Programs
Marshall University Graduate College
William Campbell wrote:
> Martha, I just received your query this morning, been on vacation. We've done
> 'quality evaluations' twice in the past few years, using a survey we wrote
> ourselves. I think that's a wise strategy, since each university does research
> admin differently. We asked specific questions about the specific services we
> offer requested suggestions for improvement. Got some interesting feedback,
> too, resulting in our recent switch from paper-based communications with
> electronic backup to electronic communications with paper backup.
> I'll be happy to email you a copy of our surveys if you like.
> Regards, Bill
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