Position Available Susan Burke 26 Aug 1999 12:19 EST

Sponsored Research Specialist
School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University

Applications are being accepted for a position in the School of
Engineering and Applied Science of The George Washington
University for administration of activities related to sponsored
research projects.  Position entails extensive proposal
preparation, including compilation of data; estimation of
funding, personnel needs, and projected expenses; budget
preparation; and drafting of proposals.  Incumbent reports to the
SEAS Associate Dean for Research and Development, and serves as
liaison to researchers on matters relating to sponsored projects.
Qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field,
or an equivalent combination of education, training and
experience; a minimum of three years’ professional experience
administering both pre-award and post-award activities of
research contracts, including at least one year of experience
administering research contracts within an academic research
environment; proficiency with  spreadsheet, database, and word
processing applications; and strong communication skills.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  Send
C.V. and letter of interest to Mrs. Enok Dancil, Human Resource
Services, The George Washington University, 2033 K Street, N.W.,
Suite 220, Washington, D.C. 20052; fax 202-994-9609.

Susan Burke
Sponsored Programs Specialist
School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
725 23rd Street NW, Suite 109
Washington, DC 20052
Telephone: 202/994-1805
Fax: 202/994-6669

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