How about:
1. Did the original proposal (that's being used as a template) contain a
subcontract budget that is still showing up as a different institution in
the new proposal budget? or...
2. Was the first proposal for a longer duration than the current? In
other words, did the first proposal have budgets for years 1-4 and the
current proposal have budgets for years 1 and 2 only, so now you need to
delete the old proposal's years 3 and 4 from the current proposal?
Just a couple ideas...
Richard Moore wrote:
> I am working with a PI to submit a proposal via the Fastlane.
> He used a previous proposal as a template and now whenever he
> (we ) download and print the budget we get first the budget for
> the current porposal, but then we get the budget for the old
> proposal as well. Any ideas or suggestions other than deleting
> each budget year and starting over?
> Dr. Richard H. Moore
Todd C. Travis
Assistant Coordinator/Research Funds
Division of Research
Clarkson University
V: 315-268-6475, F: 315-268-6515
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