Re: Subcontract documentation
Farbman, Betty 17 Aug 1999 10:50 EST
Dear Sally:
My vote is for full documentation. If there is a squeeze, we'll take a fax.
There are many reasons for this. Here's just one -
A faculty member at institution A, with all the best of intentions, decides
that his/her institution will provide cost sharing as part of a
collaborative project. Your institution, institution B, gets the award as
the lead for the group, issues a subcontract, and lo and behold, institution
A's dean never agreed to cost sharing, has a policy that precludes cost
sharing, etc. Everyone is in a tough spot.
We don't want to be there.
Betty Farbman
> ----------
> From: Sally
> Eckert-Tilotta[SMTP:xxxxxx@MAIL.UND.NODAK.EDU]
> Reply To: Research Administration Discussion List
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 10:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: Subcontract documentation
> We're wrestling with a problem, and I'd like to know what listmembers'
> take on it is.
> What is the institution's liability when we submit a proposal that
> contains named subcontractors and in-kind cost share without backup
> documentation (meaning no documentation in our hands)?
> Without documentation, are we misleading federal sponsors?
> What documentation do you insist on having in your hands at the time the
> proposal is submitted?
> Thanks for your input.
> ***************************************************
> Sally Eckert-Tilotta, PhD, Assistant to the Director
> Office of Research and Program Development
> University of North Dakota
> Grand Forks, ND 58202
> email:
> tel: 701-777-2049
> fax: 701-777-2504
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