Re: EPA Grants Youngers, Jane 04 Aug 1999 11:37 EST

EPA has been requiring this for several years now--COGR attempted without
success to have them withdraw this requirement.  EPA is taking a strict
interpretation of the requirements which technically say that all agencies
must collect this data as opposed to the lead agency (which, I think, these
compliance requirements is either Education or Justice).

Anyway,  many institutions have come up with some pretty creative ways to
respond because it is asking for data that really we shouldn't be making
public (like Civil Rights lawsuits pending).  We've simply filled it out to
the best of our knowledge and not taking much time with it and indicating
where information we consider confidential to be just that.  Frankly, in my
humble opinion, I think it's more a piece of paper to fill their files
rather than something they look at very hard.

Jane A. Youngers
Director, Grants Management
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio TX  78284-7828
phone 210.567.2333
fax 210.567.2344

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas E. Wilson [mailto:xxxxxx@BCM.TMC.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 9:37 AM
Subject: EPA Grants

When did EPA start requiring a Preaward Compliance Review Report?
Questions regarding the population (minority population) of the service
area, population (minority population) to remain without service, etc. do
not seem relevant to a basic research grant.  I thought that we were making
some progress with the federal agencies in cutting back on useless
paperwork until I was asked to complete this and I have had to send the
form to our attorney to get a list of the civil rights lawsuits or
complaints currently pending (if any).

Tom Wilson

Thomas E. Wilson
Director, Sponsored Programs
Baylor College of Medicine
phone: 713-798-6970
fax:   713-798-6990

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