Re: EPA Grants Thomas E. Wilson 04 Aug 1999 11:16 EST

I was informed that the basic research grant that I had already signed as
accepted by my institution could not be accepted by EPA until I had
completed "Preaward Compliance Report".

Tom Wilson

At 01:13 PM 8/4/99 -0400, you wrote:
>We (College of Charleston) just recently had to complete the same things.
>project was funded under the EPA's Environmental Justice Program, which is to
>target areas where the population has been exposed to environmental
problems of
>greater magnitude that places where non-disadvantaged people reside.  I
>that's why minority population and civil rights data were required.  We have
>not had to complete this information for "regular" research program grants.
>Could this be the case for you, too?
>Barbara Gray
>"Thomas E. Wilson" wrote:
>> When did EPA start requiring a Preaward Compliance Review Report?
>> Questions regarding the population (minority population) of the service
>> area, population (minority population) to remain without service, etc. do
>> not seem relevant to a basic research grant.  I thought that we were making
>> some progress with the federal agencies in cutting back on useless
>> paperwork until I was asked to complete this and I have had to send the
>> form to our attorney to get a list of the civil rights lawsuits or
>> complaints currently pending (if any).
>> Tom Wilson
>> Thomas E. Wilson
>> Director, Sponsored Programs
>> Baylor College of Medicine
>> phone: 713-798-6970
>> fax:   713-798-6990
>> email:
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>Barbara H. Gray, Director
>Research & Grants Administration
>College of Charleston
>66 George Street
>Charleston, SC  29424
>Office:  843-953-5673
>Direct:  843-953-5885
>Fax:  843-953-6577
>Campus Location:  407G Bell Bldg.
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