Re: Federal Salary Cap & PHS398 Form Page 4 Evelyn J. Ford 29 Jul 1999 10:23 EST

The PHS398 instructions give you options:  (1) leave the institutional
salary blank, in which case they (allegedly) will call to confirm the
institutional base salary, even tho they will only pay based on the cap; or
(2) provide the true base salary, not the cap, in the appropriate column.
Nowhere do the instructions say to utilize the cap in the Institutional
Base Salary column, although this is what I have done for many years, and
others apparently have as well, and NIH has never called to inquire about
the base salary.  One respondent has indicated that NIH did call about the
base salary.  I have never provided an explanation for the source of the
remainder of the salary (except as required in Other Support or in
supplemental information for K applications).

I am assuming from your query that you have been using the cap, where
applicable, in the institutional base salary column and that NIH has never
called to inquire about the true institutional salary.  Is that correct?

Since I've received several responses both on- and offline, I'll summarize
to the group later for everyone's info.

-- Evelyn

At 10:28 AM 7/29/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Does the NIH have any right to information other than that pertaining to
their payment of salary?
>Must they know that Dr. X makes $800K?  As long as his 25% effort receives
only 0.25 X $125,900 from the Feds AND he really IS working 25%, then what
else is needed?  Obviously, the rest of his payment for that time
($800,000-125,900) X 0.25 must be coming from somewhere else.
>Am I missing something?
>Charlie Hathaway
>At 08:58 AM 7/29/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>  Modular budgets make this question moot for many applications, but when a
>>budget is required, we   Show the PI's true base salary   Calculate the
>>requested salary on the basis of $125,900   Restate the true salary in the
>>justification and say that we've calculated on the basis of $125,900.  NIH
>>has never called us about this.
>>  --
>>Peter J. Dolce, Ph.D.
>>Director, Research Support Services
>>Meharry Medical College
>>                Phone 615 327 6703
>>                             Fax 615 327 6716
Evelyn J. Ford, Manager, Accounting Operations
Office of Research Support Services
School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
356 Anatomy-Chemistry Building
36th Street and Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia PA 19104-6061
voice 215.573.1395   fax 215.573.8802

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