Re: Federal Salary Cap & PHS398 Form Page 4
Charlie Hathaway 29 Jul 1999 09:28 EST
Does the NIH have any right to information other than that pertaining to their payment of salary?
Must they know that Dr. X makes $800K? As long as his 25% effort receives only 0.25 X $125,900 from the Feds AND he really IS working 25%, then what else is needed? Obviously, the rest of his payment for that time ($800,000-125,900) X 0.25 must be coming from somewhere else.
Am I missing something?
Charlie Hathaway
At 08:58 AM 7/29/99 -0500, you wrote:
> Modular budgets make this question moot for many applications, but when a
>budget is required, we Show the PI's true base salary Calculate the
>requested salary on the basis of $125,900 Restate the true salary in the
>justification and say that we've calculated on the basis of $125,900. NIH
>has never called us about this.
> --
>Peter J. Dolce, Ph.D.
>Director, Research Support Services
>Meharry Medical College
> Phone 615 327 6703
> Fax 615 327 6716
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