Re: 1999 SRA Contributed Papers
Richard Tomlin 18 Jul 1999 13:16 EST
"John R. McKee" wrote:
> A final opportunity to participate in the 1999 Contributed Paper
> Session at the Denver Annual Meeting.
> There are 7 time slots available for the Contributed Paper Session.
> If you were thinking about submitting a paper and thought you missed
> the deadline, here is your last minute opportunity.
Krazy Kontracts
Richard Tomlin, University oof Newcastle, UK
Susan Birkett, Carnegie-Mellon University, PA
A light-hearted session where participants will share their favourite
stories about bizarre contract conditions demanded by sponsors.
Participants will also share experiences on how to deal with negotiators
apparently arriving from another planet. There will of course be
serious professional development taking place since dealing with the
bizarre is just one of the many skills required of a research
A small prize will be awarded to the most hysteria-inducing story. A
kernel of truth will be required, although free-form embroidery around
the edges will be encouraged.
Richard Tomlin | Centre for Higher
| Education Research,
tel: (+44)(0)191 222 6820 | Joseph Cowen House,
fax: (+44)(0)191 222 8170 | University of Newcastle,
e-mail: | Newcastle NE1 7RU, UK.
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