Re: Electornic Submissions?
Evelyn J. Ford 21 Jul 1999 06:41 EST
Rich --
I'm not certain if your query is about looking for forms that are offered
online or if you are looking specifically to be able to submit forms
online. iPDF forms are starting to pop up -- have you checked out TRAM
(, NCURA's site
( for several links, or SRA's site
( Of course, these sites also
offer forms in a variety of formats.
Hope this helps.
-- Evelyn
At 12:52 AM 7/21/99 +0000, you wrote:
> Does anyone know of electronic submission forms (for grants or
>contract submissions) currently offered online.
> IS there a central reference on the web listing such submission
> Or, if no list has yet been compiled, which specific grant
>awarding institutions do you know of currently offers such electronic
>Rich Magyar
>Office of Research Development
>Eastern Michigan University
Evelyn J. Ford, Manager, Accounting Operations
Office of Research Support Services
School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
356 Anatomy-Chemistry Building
36th Street and Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia PA 19104-6061
voice 215.573.1395 fax 215.573.8802
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