Re: Assessment Tool Kathleen Harris 08 Jul 1999 14:11 EST
A PowerPoint presentation on our assessment and the actual survey form and results are available on

Click on

View the SRA Texas 1999 Power Point Presentation Online!


SRA Texas 1999 Evaluation Forms and Documents - zip file

Kathleen Harris, Ed.D.
Assistant Vice President for Research
Texas Tech University
Phone 806/742-3884
FAX 806/742-3892

-----Original Message-----
From:   Carolyn Matthews [SMTP:xxxxxx@POTSDAM.EDU]
Sent:   Thursday, July 08, 1999 5:45 AM
Subject:        Assessment Tool


Our sponsored programs office is in the midst of completing a "unit
effectiveness plan." We are looking at various methods of assessing our
delivery of both post award and pre award services to our constituents.
Does anyone out there have a survey or other assessment tool which looks at
post award, pre award or both that they're willing to share?

If so, I would be truly grateful to hear from you.  Please feel free to
call, email or drop a copy of the material you're willing to share in the

Carolyn Matthews

Carolyn A. Matthews
Assistant Director (Post Award)
Research and Sponsored Programs Office
510 Raymond Hall
SUNY College at Potsdam
Potsdam, NY  13676
Phone:  315-267-2131
Fax:    315-267-3120

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