Hello All:
My department has several NIH sponsored grants which contain much data
handling. With this data handling, we are now needing to transfer
images of completed questionnaires from San Antonio to Memphis for
decoding and stats analysis, then back to San Antonio. So, the question
has arisen by some of my PIs: How do we handle this data transfer? Are
there safeguards that need to be implemented, waiver forms, etc.? Are
there any policies in effect that govern this matter?
I have made over 20 calls to NIH and have come-up empty-handed, and I
have consulted the OMB circulars (A-110 etc.) and the NIH grant guide;
however, I still have not found the answer. Does anyone out there know
whom I could contact, or where I could look for the answer? Any help
will be appreciated!
Desperate in Memphis,
Christopher Bond
Grant Management Analyst
Univeristy of Memphis/Prevention Center
E-mail: xxxxxx@mail.psyc.memphis.edu
Phone: 901-767-0985 Fax: 901-767-1350
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