Re: Need Model Policy for "Off-the-Street" Projects Moshe Amir 24 Jun 1999 16:46 EST

We have a fairly simple, straightforward policy. Any scientist who
is not a faculty member and wishes to operate a grant through our
research office must arrange/obtain an academic appointment -
associate/guest/visiting lecturer/professor/researcher etc.
We require the approval and signature of the dean of the faculty
with which he/she will be affiliated.
The Dean shoulders the responsibility to make a determination whether
it is in his faculty's interest to provide a home for the scientist
or project.

Moshe Amir, Director               | tel: +972-7-647 2427
Department of Research Contracts   | fax: +972-7-647 2930
Research and Development Authority | email:
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
PO Box 653,                        | URL:
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel           |

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