Re: TRAMS web site Rosemary Ruff 10 Jun 1999 08:56 EST

Ruth -

The URL is:


At 09:30 AM 6/10/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>Good Morning,
>I want to go to the TRAMS web site to look for a form and I
>usually go there from NCURA's site but I can't get to NCURA
>this morning (probably because everyone is checking out the
>schedule for the ERA conference).  Could someone give me
>the address for the TRAM site?
>Ruth Tallman
>Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
>Lehigh University
>phone: (610) 758-3024
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Rosemary H. Ruff                   VOICE: 334-844-4438
Assistant Director                 FAX:   334-844-5953
Contracts & Grants Administration  EMAIL:
310 Samford Hall                   Auburn, AL 36849-5131
Trains stop at train stations.  Busses stop at bus stations.  On my desk I
have a workstation...

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