Re: EPA funding rate Sally Eckert-Tilotta 08 Jun 1999 14:38 EST

That is exactly what I'm trying to find.  For example, NSF EPSCoR Almanac webpage
has a great deal of funding info about NSF success rates.  I was looking for the same thing about EPA.  Thanks Pat and Pamela for  Nan Parry's name and email address.  I'll contact her.

>>> "Hawk, Pat" <xxxxxx@ORSA.UOREGON.EDU> 06/08 2:24 PM >>>
As a former EPA'er myself, I'd recommend Nan Parry as well.  She works in
the office that supports the STAR program.  When you mean funding rate, do
you mean success rate of proposals, i.e., % of proposals funded out of %
proposals submitted?

Pat Hawk
Sponsored Projects Administrator
University of Oregon
5219 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR  97403-5219
tel:  541/346-2504
fax: 541/346-5138

-----Original Message-----
From: Pamela Webb [mailto:xxxxxx@NWU.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: EPA funding rate


I suggest you try Nan Parry at EPA.  Her email is:

She is one of EPA's representatives to the FDP and has had a lot of data to
offer in the past.
Good luck!

-- Pamela

At 12:31 PM 6/8/99 -0500, Sally Eckert-Tilotta wrote:
>I'm looking for the funding rate of proposals submitted to EPA STAR
program.  I've looked on EPA website without any luck.  I attended the EPA
update session of NCURA region 4, but I can't find anything about funding
rate in my notes.
>Does anyone out there have this info?  Or could point me to a location?
If you are willing to share your institution's funding or success rate with
EPA, I would appreciate that info.
>Sally Eckert-Tilotta, PhD, Assistant to the Director
>Office of Research and Program Development
>University of North Dakota
>Grand Forks, ND  58202
>tel:  701-777-2049
>fax: 701-777-2504
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Pamela A. Webb, Director
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Chicago Campus
Northwestern University
Phone:  (312) 503-7955
Fax:      (312) 503-2234

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