Fish & Wildlife Service and F&A
Barbara Gray 07 Jun 1999 14:44 EST
If you've had research funded by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, I
need your help fast!
We have a proposal pending for a fixed price research agreement with
FWS. Their program officer (scientist) has asked us to waive all F&A
(indirect) costs. FWS website indicates A-21 and A-110 apply. I could
find nothing about special F&A policies. I am to call the program
administrator in the morning, so I'm trying to find out about F&A
payments to other institutions so I hopefully have some ammo.
If you've had FWS funding, did you get indirect costs? If so, at what
rate (full or reduced)?
Barbara H. Gray, Director
Research & Grants Administration
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424
Office: 843-953-5673
Direct: 843-953-5885
Fax: 843-953-6577
Campus Location: 407G Bell Bldg.
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